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πŸ€– Automate your life

Text Generation​

Iterate on your writing. Use AI writing tools to acclerate the pace at which you write. Whether you're selling, writing an investor report, teaching or really anything; writing is your greatest lever.

Use a combinaton of tools, like Hemingway App, and Grammarly to condense and edit your writing.

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If AI seems like a lot to add to your job, try building some autionamtions. Most people spend part of their day doing something dumb. By dumb I mean repetitive, and it does the disservice of taking you away from your true skillset.

What to look for when Automating​

  1. Not fun. Don't automate your interesting tasks away. You're probably uniquely good at them
  2. Repetitive. Any task you do that repeats itself without any thought is a prime traget for automation. This can include; downloading and modifying reports, sending a form email, or modifying files
  3. Minimal thought. If this task requires any level of analysis your task just becme more complex. Start with the things that require 0 thought.

Process Automation​

Use an application like Zapier or Make to connect almost any tool. If you ever find yourself copy pasting the same thing every day, take a look at these to see if they fit your usecase. These are time savers, at a level you wouldn't believe.

You don't need to learn Python or much of anything. Just take a look at Zapier or Make and see what you can use to automate.

Idea generation​

If you need to write and hate staring at a blank page, use a text generator to give you and outline or a starting point. AI as inspiration is where Generative AI flourishes.


There are a lot of other really cool AI tools. These should save you time, and a tool exists for almost every use case.

Adept.aiAdept is a model trained to use digital tools β€” among other things, we recently taught it how to use a web browser.
MurfMurf offers a selection of 100% natural sounding AI voices in 20 languages to make professional voice over for your videos and presentations.
copy.aiA content marketing platform, which generates marketing copy based on a fine tuned GPT-3
GrammarlyGrammarly suggests correctsion to your writing in real time across apps in your browser and on your desktop.
Otter.aiOtter is a digital assistant that transcribes audio recordings into text. It then highlights key points and summarizes those notes after the fact
Hemingway AppImprove your writing, by making it simpler. The best tool for cleaning up your writing's tone.
ZapierZapier is a tool that helps you automate repetitive tasks between two or more appsβ€”no code necessary.
BufferDon't actually go into Social apps to post. Post from a distance with Buffer.

Image Generation​

Imag generation is fun. Do this for the joy of it.

Functional AI​

Collecting data is really collecting an asset. Most people currently don't have the infrastructure to add a data scientist to their team, who could take advantage of this. The future is promising to those who can createa commodity recommendation systems, and demand forecasting.

Imagine how efficient things could be if small businesess had access to high quality Machine Learning algorithms that tightened their margins and gave them some breathing room.

Functional AI is about predicting the inputs and outputs of a business to improve efficiency. This winds up using quite a bit of statistics knowledge and a high level understanding of a full process.