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πŸ’¬ Chat GPT - Basics

According to ChatGPT; ChatGPT is a conversational language model developed by OpenAI. It uses the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It is designed to generate human-like text in response to prompts given to it.

Really, what it is is the best marketing scheme for AI... ever. It got to over 1 million users in 5 days. Truly remarkable. It's also become a topic of conversation, everywhere. For the first time consumers are able to see how AI can change their lives.

Chat GPT writes automatically personalizes and learns your preferences. It can be used in multiple languages. And it gives clear and focused answers to whatever prompt the user gives it (which can often be wrong).

Chat GPT is based on GPT-3.5, a Large Language Model built by Open AI with data from all across the internet. To train the model, Open AI used human input to add a natural conversation like flow. ChatGPT is moderated, and trained to decline inappropriate requests. When prompted correctly it can generate any text, from an essay about the Spanish Inquisition to code for a component of a website.

ChatGPT Definition - by Chat GPT


Chat GPT can hallucinate. This means that it is liable to make up random pieces of information and write convincing responses. Verify infromation generated by the model.

Make sure to use the model as inspiration, not replacement.

Get started with Chat GPT​

To get started, make an account on the ChatGPT Website and use the web interface to experiment with the tool.

You'll see an interface that looks like this

Chat GPT interface

You'll see a text input box on the bottom, and a blank screen with some suggestions. Click on one of the suggestions in the far left column, to see how it works.

Starting the Conversation​

Now, you can start playing with the bot. Start by asking a clear specific question. For example:

What is the best process to learn something new?

I like spy stories, can you write me a story about a spy in Cold War era Moscow?

I'm going to Paris in a few weeks, can you help me plan a few things I should do?

I need to write an email for a client, can you help me communicate that we are out of inventory, and are looking for solutions?

To walk you through an example, I'll be using the first prompt to show you what a conversation with Chat GPT may look like. As you can see, below the chat engine lays out a concise strategy for learning.

Chat GPT learning 1


ChatGPT does better with specific and clear requests.

Using its memory​

Here, is where ChatGPT begins to stand out. The AI will give you a coherent and reasonable response... but you can still dive deeper. Now it's time to follow up. Write a follow up question in the input box on the bottom, and see how it uses the conversation you've had to adjust its conversation with you. Try the appropriate example:

What are the benefits to using that approach?

Can you build the story around a hacked computer and a mole in the foreign service?

I really like food. What kind of food should I make sure to eat while there?

I've had trouble with this customer before, can you change the tone a bit to comfort them? The delay will only be about 2 weeks.

Chat GPT Learning - 2

Drill down exactly what you're looking for​

In our example, we asked for Chat GPT to expand on its previous statements. What it does, is amazing. It uses the context we provided and expands on it, to give us a quite good result.


Continue to ask the bot questions about a specific subject to drill down great answers

Can you help me put together a process to learn how to paint

Can you rewrite it in the tone of John le Carre

Seafood is my favorite. Any dishes you'd recommend in particular?

Can you mention a gift? And that we always deliver on time?

As you can see below, the more we drill down, the better our answers get. Think of using Chat GPT like a funnel. Your first answer won't always get you the right answer, but if you continue to add context you will eventually get there.

Chat GPT Learning - 3