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πŸ—Ώ Think Critically with AI

It is more important than ever for you to develop critical thinking skills and an understanding of your learning process. As AI technology continues to advance, and takes over more and more tasks that were once done by humans these are the skills that will keep you ahead of the curve.

This means that the skills the market will demand are those that are difficult for AI to replicate, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. By developing these skills, you will be better equipped to work alongside AI and find ways to leverage the technology to achieve your goals.

Additionally, understanding the learning process will allow you to quickly adapt to new technologies and tools, making yourself more valuable in a constantly evolving job market. In short, developing critical thinking skills and understanding the learning process is essential for staying relevant and competitive in the age of AI.

Common Traps​

There are a few common traps when people begin using AI tools. Pay attention and save yourself a lot of grief.

Over reliance on AI​

When you become too reliant on AI to make decisions, you may lose the ability to think critically and solve problems independently. This can lead to a lack of creativity and innovation, and a lack of understanding of how the AI is coming to its decisions.

As we just spoke about, creative problem solving and critical thinking are as good as gold in an era where AI will replace many tasks.

Assuming AI is always right​

AI is only as good as the data it was trained on. In many situations, AI will spout incorrect information with true confidence. As a user, you must be aware that this is possible.

You must fact check your results, a lot. While this tool is a time saver we know it can generate false information. Find high leverage usages of AI to give you inspiration rather than answers.

As you saw in the prompt engineering section, there are a few tricks to keep AI honest. Vigilance is critical when working with AI.

Ethical Implications​

Understand if what you are working on should use AI. There are ethical implications to using AI because of the bias issues it presents. Who is accountable for decision making, and where does the buck stop?

Choosing the Wrong Problems​

You must look to understand if your problem is worth solving with AI, and crucially, if AI is well suited to do so. Often times AI may seem like a solution that we can use for everything.

It's not. You must understand the tool you're using and see if the tool is the correct one for the use case, as well as have a plan for how you can moderate it.

Guidelines to Keep in Mind​

Remain skeptical​

To avoid these traps, it's important for individuals to maintain a healthy level of skepticism towards AI and its decision-making, to be aware of the limitations of AI, and to be aware of the ethical considerations of AI.


See AI as a tool​

AI is not all knowing. There are no ea

Think about the Nature of your problem​

  1. What kind of problem are you solving? What are the basics of the problem?
  2. Is it something that requires a human touch? If so, what parts of it do?
  3. Are there lightweight ways you can integrate AI? For example, writing an outline or generating a few initial pieces of text.
  4. Do you have a plan to moderate your AI's output?

Create a plan to moderate AI's output​

  1. Manually review your output for correctness. If you are asking for facts or verifiable information, verify that information.
  2. Look for flaws in reasoning. Is the response logically sound, or are there unreasonable jumps in thought process.
  3. Check the quality of the output. Does it read smoothly, look correct, or provide a good answer? If not, how can you adjust your inputs to make it better?