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πŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ Who trains these models

Earlier you learned that Chat GPT was moderated by humans. This ensured human like responses and moderation for the bot. However, a Time Magazine article revealed that open AI severly underpaid laborers to moderate the model.

The data labelers employed by Sama on behalf of OpenAI were paid a take-home wage of between around $1.32 and $2 per hour depending on seniority and performance

What is important to take into consideration is the quality of life this may or may not offer in Kenya, and how this compares to similar jobs elsewhere. However, as reinforcement learning becomes a more important AI tool, we must be aware of who is actually training the models.

Will AI reach its potential as a tool to lift the world towards a more prosperous future, or will it just enrich the wealthiest nations... as many other technologies have.