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πŸ“– Terms

AIAI is how we teach computers to solve problems by themselves, and mimic human intelligence.
Machine Learningis a field of AI that builds methods to teach computers to 'learn', and identify patterns in data.
Deep LearningArea of Machine Learning by the human brain. They recognize patterns the way we do: perceive something, think about it and draw a conclusion from it.
Reinforcement LearningThis is when AI is given a reward for performing well. This tells it how to win in a game and helps the AI understand what it should do.
ModelsMathemtical model that takes in specific data and outputs a prediction
TrainingProcess of teaching a computer to identify patterns in data
Large Language ModelsLarge language models are models with, trained on enormous amounts of text data. They are excellent at generalizing their findings.
Zero Shot LearningWhen a model does its job (text generation or prediction) without any context for the desired output.
Few Shot LearningWhen a model receives a bit of conteext in the form of examples for the desired output